Saturday, September 22, 2007

Jasmine and Miguel

As some of you may know, I am Jayd Stone. I have published stories to various websites such as and and am in the process of publishing my 2 completed novels world wide.

Jasmine and Miguel is only my 3rd book published, therefore i believe it to be amateur compared to my other books. Jasmine and Miguel is a lot like my other book Zaija and Esmyruh.It's another tragic love story centered around the subject of forbidden love. It is not as detailed as Zaija and Esmyruh, but I feel it still has a powerful moral behind it. The body of this book mostly consists of letters between Princess Jasmine and Warrior Miguel but the ending is in basic story form. I must warn you that this is really sad. I have actually acomplished making a story so sad that it has actually made me cry. This book (and Zaija and Esmyruh) is not for the faint of heart.

Exerpt from the book: "Lightning rent the air as Miguel stood up. The clouds moved away from the full moon, no longer concealing its beauty. The moon cast a silvery sheen on Jasmine, turning her black hair to silver. She had a terrible beauty about her; a beauty far unmatched by which Miguel has ever seen. She looked like a ghost, yet she was as gorgeous as a goddesses. It was an intriguing beauty. Though Miguel wanted to look away, he was locked in a trance in which he felt he’d be deprived of existence if he tore his eyes away. The clouds concealed the moon again casting Jasmine and Miguel into darkness once more."

For more information on Jasmine and Miguel please contact me at my personal email:

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely yours,
Jayd Stone

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