Saturday, September 22, 2007

Kia and Jayd

As some of you may know, I am Jayd Stone. I have published stories to various websites such as and and am in the process of publishing my 2 completed novels world wide.

My friend and fellow author Kia Foxx is such a brilliant woman. I love her work. Recently we teamed up to write what we have named temporarily, Kia and Jayd. Alas, such a beautiful story is in line to be published as well. Anyways, Kia and Jayd is about a young girl, Kia Jay, who has lost a friend very dear to her heart. She now has to deal with depression and hurt as she tries to forget about her friend who is now lost to her. This proves to be hard in an environment where everyone is grieving such a loss. Again this is not for the faint of heart. It is very sad.

A little insight to the background of this story: It is based on an incident that happened to My friend and I. We too have lost a very dear friend. Through our depression time we consulted what we know best, writing stories. It actually started with me emailing her a quote that i felt from my heart. Well, the next day she emailed me back with another quote added onto it. After a month or two the quotes had been formed into a depressing story. Writing Kia And Jayd was good therapy for Kia and I. For now, we are over such a terrible loss and from the ashes of our pain came the spark of a fantastic story.

Exerpt from book: "Another tear slithered past her lips as she remembered his amber eyes. They held so much depth and beauty. They said so much; they portrayed his entire life, her entire world. Now they were gone...useless. Never again would he joke with her. Never again would he tell her to iron her shirt or that she was short...He would never again make her laugh, or cry; only his memories could do that now. He would never cause her to fall or help her back to her feet with a steady hand. She had taken it all for granted until the cold day when suddenly everything was different."

For more information on this book please contact me at my personal email: - or for more information on Kia Foxx please contact me at my work email:

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely Yours,
Jayd Stone

Permission to publish information on the book Kia and Jayd© granted by Kia Foxx on September 5th 2007. For more information on the grant contact us at:

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